The North Bay School of Theology at San Quentin State Prison is part of our Associational mission to expand God's Kingdom through dynamic partnerships! North Bay is an ADVANCE Center, a site where Gateway Seminary's certificate and diploma programs are offered.
Contact North Bay's Director, Miguel Rodriguez HERE for more information.
DONATE to REBA at the post office address below to help purchase textbooks, provide transportation assistance for Instructors, and fund our Director's stipend. Or donate HERE on this website, designating your gift for San Quentin.
BECOME an Instructor at San Quentin:
> ADVANCE Instructor Application online
ADVANCE learning centers like the North Bay School of Theology provide courses to
train effective Christian leaders in a variety of ministry categories. Through seminary-endorsed training, ADVANCE envisions a leadership explosion among our congregations and a culturally-relevant church for every people group in the
United States.
The program's contextualized leadership development approach provides an opportunity to be trained for ministry, church planting, and evangelism. It serves those without a high school
or college diploma, those for whom English is a second language, and those with advanced degrees in other disciplines.